Detail from Completed Transom Glass (click pictures to enlarge)
Client Brief: To use a salmon motif and, if possible, include an eagle and an otter.
I designed this work to compliment the existing architecture that would utilize the available natural light to both emphasize the work, and create an interesting private space within the entryway.
I stylized the imagery around curves with everything twisting and moving to express fluidity atop a matrix of radiating circles…

Final pencil design for entry glass

Drawings are transferred by hand full size to resist

Initial Transom carving underway..

Post hi-fire and tempering, the sidelight receives a polish

“Otter” sidelite receives contrasting final blast

OK – I’d be lying if i said that this went smoothly. Another lesson was learned (twice, actually), regarding proximity-of-angular-shaped-depth-carving-to-edge-of-‘to-be-tempered’-panel, in specific regards to material thickness (for all you kids following along at home: pick up my future book: ” 1000 Ways To Ruin a Perfectly Innocent Piece Of Glass” to find out more – ugh…!).

The 3rd attempt was a success and has been sitting strong for many years! 😉

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